If you think it, you can imagine it.
If you can imagine it, you can vibe it.
If you can vibe it, you can experience it!

The Vibing YOU! Program is an exclusive creation that will adapt to your unique health, wellness, mindset, and lifestyle needs & goals, and offer you energetic & live presence, support, strategies & tools, accountability, a plan of action, and most of all, a chance to create with the Divine to align yourself with the energy of your Soul’s blueprint.

It is a place where you can totally be you and feel supported in that vulnerability.

It is a place where you are the priority and where you can start being the very best version of yourself.

Throughout the different phases of your life, your needs and goals will change. They may even change along the path of your coaching journey; we will adapt as we go.

The beauty in the Vibing YOU! program is having the opportunity to stay connected while having a safe container to learn, grow, and evolve into the person that you have come in this life to experience.

If you are seeking to step into the feminine goddess that deep down you know you are, to re-assert ownership of your personal power & health, and start living joyfully & energetically, then you are ready for Vibing YOU!

This is what Manon P. had to say…

You guided me, you worked hard with me, and all my pains went away. You are a great listener!

Now I’m 11lbs lighter and I am taking care of myself. I’m now confident with who I am and all the changes that I made in my life are thanks to you. I am glad I met you!

This job is what you are meant to do and I recommend you to anyone who needs help.

Don’t stop your good work!

  • You deserve to be fully in your power and live your authentic life
  • You deserve to feel confident, calm, healthy, and energized

  • You deserve to live in a health-weight body

  • You deserve to be free from anxiety and past trauma

  • You deserve to be aligned with your Soul’s path and connected to your Higher Self’s guidance

You will become the woman who…

  • Speaks her mind clearly and lovingly while respecting her own boundaries
  • Has the confidence to create or actively participate in the new career or lifestyle she desires
  • Is lives in the present moment and not get trapped in overwhelm or anxiety
  • Embodies inspiration, excitement and know-how about exercise routines, healthy food choices & decision to stay at her target weight
  • Deals headon with any outstanding physical or emotional issues
  • Creates a powerful and positive mindset that supports her in every life situation
  • Grows her core energy daily, allowing herself to enjoy her family, friends, and favorite activities
  • Taps into forgiveness and releases trauma, allowing herself to bring more JOY, ENERGY, CREATIVITY, PROSPERITY and LOVE into her life
  • Lives with peace of mind, knowing she is aligned with your Soul’s mission

This is what Éloïse P. had to say…

Isabelle is an extraordinary person who helped me overcome a HUGE obstacle on both the nutritional and physical levels.

Last winter, I called on Isabelle’s expertise and I immediately felt in good hands. She is a warm, humane, lively, and a very reliable person. She has always been available to answer my questions on an ad hoc basis. Her motivation is contagious. Isabelle is a go-getter, the perfect person to team up with for any kind of problem or situation requiring change. She always has an array of solutions to offer.

A year later, I am still happy to have worked with her, and I know she is close if I need her services again. Thank you Isabelle!

Not all coaching programs are equal.

It’s important to feel into the energy of this program and my container.

the vibing you! program is for you if…

  • You know you are ready for change and feel excited about the idea of growing into your authentic YOU!
  • You know you are open, willing, and coachable. You are ready to make changes in your mindset, in your health, and in your lifestyle.
  • You believe that you are meant for more, and you are ready to deepen your connection to your Divine Feminine.
  • You feel excited at the idea of learning new tools, strategies, and life skills and you are ready to commit to the very best possible version of yourself at this present moment.
  • You are willing to release judgement, scarcity, pain, blame, and negativity and want to connect to vibrancy, success, and happiness.
  • You are ready to have fun and claim your true birthright!

$1, 111 US

sign up here

2 payments of $577

sign up here

3 payments of $388

sign up here



Or book your goddess chat here

I love this coaching program!

I’ve been through this coaching program!

And this is the best way to get results AND enjoy the process!

I have been a coach for nearly 30 years now, and I have had the opportunity to test out what methods work best.

I have even gone through coaching myself because the best way to grow is with mentors, teachers and support!

If you want real, tangible results, aside from the time and dedication you put in, you’ll want someone who has walked the path before you (and continues to walk the talk).

Someone you feel connected to, knowledgeable, and safe.

Someone who can keep you accountable, celebrate your wins with you, and always sees the hero in you!

Yes, I am a certified N.L.P. Master Practitioner & TimeLine coach.

Yes, I am a licensed naturopath, Holistic Life Coach and Akashic Record Practitioner.

And yes, I have coached women from all walks of life, through all kinds of physical, emotional, spiritual, and mindset issues.

Most importantly, I believe that every living being has the right to live free, aligned to their own beliefs, values & desires {as long as it is ecological}, to grow & prosper, to be healthy, wealthy, abundant, and loved.

I believe we all have a purpose during our lifetime and when we align to it, it is always in our best interest and highest good to explore those goals and step back into our highest potential.

My mission to support Spiritual Women Leaders who want to release trauma and negativity, to learn how to thrive and align with health, well-being, positivity, prosperity and abundance.

From discovering your life’s mission, to emotional healing from childhood scares, to finding balance, clarity and energy, and tapping into the vitality and enthusiasm for life, the Vibing You! Program offers you the opportunity to create a life filled with solutions, joy and vitality!

This is what Diane P. had to say…

I am so grateful to follow and a be part Isabelle’s program & group.  I am someone who likes to work on and improve herself, and Isabelle provides me with different techniques and tools to discover and release much of my own emotional and physical blocks in order to have the kind of joyful freedom I desire.

As a result, my self-confidence has increased considerably.

She is a teacher full of humour, sensitivity, and has formidable gifts of intuition and knowledge!

what the vibing you! program offers

3, 1:1 90 minute coaching session

(recorded and sent to you)

The content of the coaching sessions are based on your personal goals and cater to holistic healing and wellbeing.

Always within your Akashic Records, we will focus on health, mindset, spirituality or the emotional healing you wish to explore during our time together, while following a certain flow to ensure that all areas are covered.

Session 1

Over the years, I have observed that a great way to allow well-being to flow and bring you closer to your desired outcome is to start with a full Health or Life Assessment. This gives direction to our time together.

We may discuss any physical or emotional health situations, allergies, history, heredity, and proceed with a full exam (TCM) to expose any underlying issues that could be the culprit of other health concerns.

*If you have already had a full health assessment with me, we simply review your physical, emotional, mindset, and spiritual health.

Session 2

Between these two sessions, you are already implementing new lifestyle actions. You feel empowered and energized as your belief start aligning to your true self. You participate in healing work, activate new and supportive paradigms that help you stay aligned to your goals and the new you.

This is when we would use different healing modalities like the Akashic Records, Light Language, EFT (tapping work), N.L.P., Cellular Memory Healing technique, TimeLine work, etc. to help you release what no longer serves you and receive clarity around your next best steps.

Session 3

As we come to the last session, you are feeling strong, clear, and motivated. You can feel your vibration shifting and your energy calibrating.

It is a perfect time to align this energy with your new lifestyle, and activate any new codes to help you stay connected to this new frequency, to keep calling in the experience of your goals.

If time permits, we will review the position of the New and Full Moon in your chart to keep you aligned to your manifesting and healing powers.


Bonus 1: On-going Coaching Support

  • During the entire 6 weeks of your coaching program, we are connected via the Voxer app (during regular work hours) which allows you to receive vocal support, accountability, feedback, and a connection to me, your coach, as often as you may need it during the entire duration of your program (which is so vital during these changes).

Bonus 2: Full access to the Healthy Goddess VIP Light Tribe Membership

  • A private, online community and setting, encouraging positive exchanges, support, accountability and coaching.
  • An opportunity to connect with other like-minded & heart-centered women.
  • Weekly Connections and Guidance.

Bonus 3: Weekly Connection & Guidance

  • Weekly Oracle Card readings and guidance on the surrounding energy and how to use the support of guides and elements.
  • Accountability Check-In: This powerful resource allow each Goddess to share her weekly goals and get support from me and a cheer team for her success & wins. It’s a perfect time to activate extra energy around accomplishments and to anchor in positive feelings of success.
  • Weekly healing and activation sessions on the present energy influencing our thoughts, words, actions, and health.

Bonus 4: Fortnight Moon Guidance
New Moon Celebrations & Full Moon Rituals

  • Connect to a woman’s circle to set powerful New Moon intentions, realign with your energetics, allow cosmic codes to be channeled to create paradigm shifts, and embody your Soul’s mission.
  • Join the women’s gathering to release, forgive, heal and surrender blocks, negativity and pain to the Divine during the Full Moon Rituals, and create space to welcome in flow, ease and success.

Bonus 5: Monthly Calls (from the VIP tribe)

  • A Mastermind: The Goddess Gab Gathering is about tapping into the energy of the Daily Moon, opening your Akashic Records & supporting one another for your Business and Life through the energy of a Mastermind. These are Live calls on a private platform for the members only (this call is also recorded if you cannot make it live).
  • A Healthy Goddess Component to deepen your knowledge on how to support & strengthen your sacred body, allowing it to become a vessel of optimal health.
  • During these calls is when you can receive personalized coaching (which is such a powerful plus for a group program).
  • Activations & Healings with the use of tools like: Light Language, Channeled wisdom, TimeLine Therapy, Tapping sequences (EFT), Polarity/Reiki, Akashic Records, and meditations.
  • Plus, Live Q & A’s

Bonus 6: Healthy Goddess Library (from the VIP tribe)

There is a vast choice of Meditations, Activations, Healings, Tools, Techniques, Journaling Prompts, Health Charts, Chants, Akashic Journeys, and other health support tools found in this sacred space.

They are all set up as Guides and Files. These guides include:
  • The 4 Pillars of Health (4 different Guides)
  • Oracle Readings and Activations
  • Mantras, Chants, and Meditations
  • Accountability Check-Ins
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Cellular Memory Healing
  • The Great Goddess Divine Feminine
  • Moon Unit
  • Archangels
  • Goddesses

This is what Lise B. had to say…

Isabelle has changed my life. I know it sounds cliché but that is exactly what happened.

One of the most important things she helped me with, was my anxiety attacks. She taught me how to deal with the attacks without disregarding them.

I can now control and address them without feeling overwhelmed. Since the program, I have aged and I am now 51, but I can say that I feel more like I’ve gone back in time because I haven’t felt this good in over 20 years! I have since added another type of training to my running and I feel awesome with 44 lbs lost, but most importantly I feel I have a great physical and mental balance. Thank you Isabelle!

If this is resonating with you and you are ready to reclaim your POWER, HEALTH, and GODDESS ENERGY so you can…

Expand your health

Elevate your energy

Manifest your true calling

Connect to your Higher Self

Step into prosperity & abundance

and Create the lifestyle you know you are meant to lead


$1, 111 US

sign up here

2 payments of $577

sign up here

3 payments of $388

sign up here



Or book your goddess chat here

Meet Your Mentor

Hi, I’m Isabelle!

I’ve been working with heart-centered women for the past 30 years. I have supported women from all walks of life, and what I’m most proud of is HOW I have done that!

I have prioritized natural & holistic strategies that have kept women healthy & strong, aligned to their mission and vision, and open to new ways of reaching goals. These women, the powerful Divine Feminine leaders, healers and light-leaders have allowed me to align to my own life’s purpose.

I am deeply passionate about life, nature, and everything wholesome. And as a licensed naturopath, holistic life coach, Spiritual guide& Channel, the foundation of my practice is to support midlife women leaders to get healthy & rise up to claim their sovereignty, to step into wealth, service, impact, and deep joy!

I lead these women into personal evolution by helping them bring their vision to life. Prioritizing health & energy, a positive mindset, emotional resilience, and of course a Spiritual connection are the pillars to success, freedom and well-being!

I’m honored and excited to support you on your journey to create your legacy!

Love & Light always,

Isabelle xoxo

 Dare! Decide! Do It!

Work with Isabelle